5 Ways to Tell It Is Time to Buy a Bigger House
Are you beginning to get the feeling your house is bursting at the seams? If you are considering a larger home, here is how you can tell if it is time to buy a bigger house.
1. Your Lifestyle Has Changed
People start home businesses, or they develop hobbies that take up space. Over time, your needs will change. If you bought a small home but now have a wide social circle for entertaining, you might want to buy a house with a large outdoor entertaining space. If you have taken up woodworking, you might want a woodworking shop. If you are finding yourself struggling to enjoy your hobbies or focus on at-home work, consider whether you need a bigger house.
2. You Cannot Clean Your House
While you might think that this is a problem when you have a larger home, if your home is too packed with people, pets, and furniture, you cannot clean up easily. This leads to irritation, and it can also lead to larger problems if you are unable to spot issues when they occur, such as a leak that is damaging a ceiling or a wall. If you find that you are constantly struggling to cram things into their proper place, ask yourself if finding a new house would help solve that problem.
3. Your Family Is Expanding and Growing Up
Families expand in many ways. You might live with aging parents or be adding another child to your family. Your children could be growing up and need privacy and room to spread out. Even the most social people need some space for quiet time, and quiet time may be hard to find if there is only one living area in a home. You might decide to create a suite in your home for relatives or friends, and you want to move to a home where this is possible. You could even be adding a pet to the family and want a yard where you can play with the dog. Whatever the change may be, changes can trigger a need for a bigger house.
4. You Are Really Efficient and You Are Still Uncomfortable
Some home woes are not due to lack of space. They are due to a lack of efficiency. If you have minimized your possessions, added storage wherever you can, and you have made your spaces multifunctional, but you are still finding that you are squeezed for space, it could be time to buy a bigger house.
5. You Are Out of Renovation Possibilities
Often, you can make an existing home more efficient or add spaces to that existing home to make it function for your family. A family with teens could add a basement bathroom to deal with the morning bathroom rush. A family member who needs a retreat could add a small office or a tiny space in the yard. If you know what you need but your potential renovation is expensive and difficult, it could be worthwhile to buy a house with those features.
At Open for Homes, we are here to help you make home buying and home improvement plans. Take a look at the blog at Open For Homes to get ideas that will help make your home better.